Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dave Gross Graduates!!

David Gross Graduated!! Cody and I just realized we are getting old!! Cody "adopts" a player every year. There is always that one player that he connects with, they usually remind him of some long past version of himself. Wichita Falls gave us David Gross. He is was intense, full of fire and a GREAT kid. We got his college invitation a few weeks ago and that's when it hit us, one of our "boys" is graduating from COLLEGE!!!! He finished in 4 years, he's graduating from Stonybrook University in NY with a degree in anthropology. We are so happy for him and his family. His mom Sue was the booster club president who went above and beyond the call of duty when she responded to Cody's panicked call for her to watch Stoney while JoLee was born. She showed up with wet hair still getting dressed. UNBELIEVABLE! We love you~

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cowboy day 2009

Pics from Cowboy day. I just came across these pictures and thought I should put them up. Case's boots didn't last long enough for me to get a picture, or his other sock apparently. Could JoLee look any sassier or Stoney more country? Crazy kiddos.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Opera~ "A Brief Encounter"

I went to the Opera with my wonderful friend Annie a couple of weekends ago. It was so nice to go out on a grown-up night out! Cody was not upset about her only having one extra ticket, the opera... is really not his thing. It was a story, "A Brief Encounter", about a married woman and a married man, having an affair. The first half was REALLY LOOOONNGGG. It just drug out the fact that this woman and this man met and were attracted to each other. There needed to be more conflict or passion, everything was internal. Scene after scene of the woman berating herself emotionally over being attracted to this man. Oh well, the singing was wonderful, the music was pretty and the wine afterwards at Sambuca was delicious. It was fun getting dressed up, heading downtown and spending some time using my mind for things other than diaper changes and making lunches.

No More Softball!!

Finally the season that would never end is OVER! We kept getting rained out so they kept adding games onto our season. It lasted nearly 3 months. It's 4 year olds. Cody was the "coach" because no one else would sign up, but he couldn't be at half the games, thankfully we had a mom that played when she was younger and she stepped in as coach. I was trying to get to Burleson so I wasn't able to see it, but JoLee got her trophy. (She was SO excited!) My friend Annie took these pictures. Cody introduced and said something nice about every girl. JoLee had a great time this season and that is all that matters. BTW... they got first place. Cody was fired up about that!