Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My flowers

I have some pretty Azaleas blooming in the front of the house. They are just so sweet. It is funny they are only blooming on the back side of the bushes, closest to the house. JoLee just loves them, mainly because they are purple I think. It is so fun to have my own flowers in my own yard. I hope they fill with blooms soon.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My beautiful kids!

Aren't they gorgeous?!! I just had to share.

Jagger new pics

FINALLY! I can put up some pics of the new dog. Or as Case calls him.... PPPPUUUUPPPPYYYY!. He runs around yelling that all the time. Puppy, come here or Puppy, off or Puppy, want some? This dog is super fast, I can't catch him if he gets out. He'll come to Stoney that is the only way we can get him back in the house. Thanks Aunt Jeri for the Red Raider shirt he is sporting in these pics.

Summer Sea World Trip

It's catch up time! Here are some pics from our Summer trip to Sea World. We did the dine with Shamu lunch and it was really cool! We were so close to the whales. those things are huge! The kids loved it! Cody loved the all you can eat buffet that went along with it.

Stoney rode his first big time roller coaster... with me....twice! It was so much fun. He is an adrenaline junkie... I wonder where he gets it?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


So here's my little guy, Caser the Eraser. I swear that nickname is going to be with him forever. He just got his hair cut. He looks like such a little man! this pic was taken with phone so it's a little blurry, besides, he won't stand still even for a second. I made this little video because he is so funny on his tricycle. He goes so fast! He doesn't have pedals. It's fun to watch. I'll post more pics of the rest of the crew soon. I love my family! What a blessing!