Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sight word mania

It's sight word mania at the McGuire household. I sent Stoney off to Wyoming with a jacket, cap, jeans and his sight words. I threatened my dad with bodily harm if he didn't work with him while they were away. I just want him to have a great experience in first grade and really be where he needs to be as far as his reading goes.
JoLee is picking things up as we work with Stoney, she's so funny, she is already learning how to sounds things out. She will do so well in her 4 yr old class next year.
Caser's favorite letter it C. I guess because while I'm changing him I will spell out his name that hangs in his room and he really picked up on the C. I don't know, but right now every letter he sees is a C. He is talking so much it's crazy. I love to hear their little voices. Right now he walks around every morning asking everyone "Is bubba coming? Is bubba coming?" He really misses Stoney. It's been good for him and JoLee to have some time together. They are pretty close. We are heading to Crane this weekend, Cody has a football camp in Plains and JoLee, Case and I are going to spend some Geemaw and Papaw time. I am going to see what I can do about getting a nap!! The countdown to 2009 Tomball Cougar Football has begun, Cody's starts meeting in a little over a week. We have our Cougar Wives Luncheon next week. Can't wait!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Settling In

Okay so update... we have A/C. thank goodness. It was turned on Thursday the 2nd. We are finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel as far as getting things put away. Cody wanted his office aka the Tech room done last night so we worked on that. It's funny every room is pending something, either paint, a bookshelf, curtains, something. We are just taking it one room at a time. I want to get the kids rooms done first. I feel like it helps them settle in better.
We have been running like crazy, we spent the 4th in Glen Rose, with Wayne and Steph, their kiddos, Clay, Jeri and Jorja. It was good to see them before the craziness of football gets started.
My big boy Stoney is going to Wyoming with my dad for a week. They are FLYING up there in my uncles plane, my uncle Jimmy is flying and he is very responsible, still I'm nervous. Stoney is beside himself with excitement. They have big plans to trout fish, shoot the 22 (a big deal for Stoney) and ride motorcycles. (More nervous about the motorcycles than the plane.) Stoney and my dad have a special bond, my dad is all things country as far as Stoney is concerned and he loves it. It will be good for the both of them to spend some time together, but I am going to miss him like crazy. They leave out Wednesday, please pray for them a safe trip.
JoLee has two birthday parties lined up while Stoney is away so she is super excited about those. She will also get to do VBS and since she already did Crocodile Doc at the VBS in Crane she informed us that she would help out with the singing because she already knows the songs! She's a riot. Little Miss Priss.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Okay.... so previous post "We bought a house!!" update. The house is great, beautiful, everything I want in a home for my family..... however, it took a week to get the electricity turned on and when it finally was... on Monday 6/29... it was turned off again on Tuesday 6/30. TXU screwed up and scheduled a move out on our new house address so we had power for less than 24 hours. Because it was ridiculously hot, Cody and sweet Kasey and Dear Jonathon carried stuff over and just put it in the garage, anywhere they could fit it. So needless to say.... I can't find a thing, namely my clothes box. I finally got through to TXU today and was promised that the electricity would be back on today... sometime before midnight tonight. Well thank you very much. Cody pulled the last little bit of things from the garage and back yard late last night and put them next to Kasey and Jonathan's driveway (middle of their lawn) the lawn mower, kids backyard toys, some nick-naks here and there.... possibly my box of shoes!!!! (Yesterday was the last day to get out of the rent house.) He took off to Tomball to work strength camp this morning and when he returned to load the items... they were gone, stolen... did I mention the lawn mower, kids backyard toys... POSSIBLY MY BOX OF SHOES!!!! On another note Case pulled a concrete block over onto his foot and thankfully he has a really deep bruise and not a break. After a 10:00 p.m. trip to the ER, where the x-rays were very interesting because he screamed the whole time; not from pain but from being made to do something he didn't want to do, they said he would be okay. A sucker, some stickers and a Curious George book made things better. As for me, it is all I can do not to lose my mind at this point. We are at our wits end... but hey... we bought a house.