Thursday, January 7, 2010

Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of A Woman's Soul

Okay so I started a new book Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery to A Woman's Soul, here on amazon,
I am only in the beginning of the book but have found it really interesting so far. The writers point is that there are 3 main things that women desire: romance, to be a irreplaceable part in a great adventure and to unveil their great beauty. Hmmmm
So... they point out that the heart of a woman is a quintessential part of God's whole creation. That after looking over the earth, the animals, and man, God said something isn't right, it isn't right for man to be alone. So like the final touch on a great painting or sculpture, God created woman. Not as an afterthought but as the one missing piece that would make the whole picture come together. That Eve is created in the image of God just as Adam is, that God gave her uniquely feminine traits to use at Adams side to rule over this new creation. That is pretty powerful to think about.
Not an afterthought but a Pièce de résistance.
Another point they make is that most women in society today feel like they are failing at something. Some more than others but most feel like they are falling short of some unattainable version of themselves. This I can identify with. I am constantly in debate with myself on why I can't seem to get it all together. Why am I pushing it to get Stoney to school on time in the mornings? Why can't I get the laundry, dishes and the beds made all in one night? Why can't I reach a single goal that I have set for myself at my job? Why is it so difficult FOR ME to be this got it together working mom and wife. Why why why!!
So the question that the book is getting at is, what does it mean to be a woman?? They begin with Romance and how every woman (their claim) wants to be romanced, that most little girls dream about being the princess, to be pursued and sought after. That most woman desire to be someones priority, and that most woman, especially in the 21st century are ashamed of this desire. They fight the fact that they want a hero, to look to them and know them, pursue them and love them. In relation to Eve being created in the image of God the writers describe how God wants us to to look to him, know him, to pursue and love him. Pretty interesting. In watching my little girl, I would agree that she loves being romanced. Not in the dating sense, dinner and candlelight or anything but in the sense of being a priority, especially with her daddy. When he looks at her she glows. She knows he loves her, that she is his little girl and that makes her special. I think all woman want to know that feeling, that feeling that we are truly unique and special, to someone here and most of all to God.
So, the irreplaceable part in a great adventure....that's where I stopped for the night. Just something to think about. What do you think? I'll post more as I keep reading.
God Bless~ R

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