Tuesday, April 21, 2009

MS 150 two days later!

I had a GREAT time on the ride this past weekend. Day one was rained out but Tommy and I went for a 25 mile ride (in a tornado watch) oops!! But it was fun. The rain wasn't that bad and I learned alot about shifting. We headed to Coach Tipton's house Sat afternoon and stayed the night there. Cody took us to La Grange early Sat morning and off we went.

The hills were brutal! for me anyway, Tommy gave me the much needed... all too impressive push up the last 1/4 of a couple of them. He has some awesome cycling skills.

The weather was beautiful but the wind was nasty! I really enjoyed getting closer with my brother throughout the training and during the ride. It was great. All in all I think we went about 70 miles?? Not sure on the exact number.

Tommy took the picture while we were riding and a short video that I will post if I can. Can't wait until the next one!

Friday, April 17, 2009

MS 150

Okay so tomorrow is the big day! We start from Katy at 7 a.m. and ride... our bicycles (someone asked me if it was a motorcycle ride)... looks like in the rain... for about 82 miles to La Grange. We stay the night, my dad is setting up the tent for Tommy and I, we get up and leave La Grange at about 9 a.m. and ride about 75 miles to Austin. I am really looking forward to it. I am really getting nervous. Riding with all those people in the rain, clipped into my pedals so I can't put my feet down in a hurry is SCARY!!!! I know it's going to be fun, I am thinking positive. I'll post after we finish, Sunday night. (Maybe Monday morning) Tommy is going to post rest stop updates on Facebook, check it out to see where we are and how we are doing. If he posts pictures... I'll kill him. wish me luck!!


1. Choose the 4th folder in which you store pictures in your computer. 2. Choose the 4th picture. 3. Explain that picture. 4. Tag 4 people.

Wow, I really did this randomly and had no idea which picture would come up. So here it is, this is Case when he and I had some mama and Caser time at the Outlet Mall on hwy 290. I just love this picture, look at that sweet smile! He had so much fun on that little car. He got to ride it over and over again without having to share a spot with Stoney or JoLee. It's really amazing how different he is without his brother and sister making him crazy! He's a very very sweet boy and who could resist those blue eyes! That's my baby Case!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Busy Busy

I have just been running like CRAZY these days! Two softball games a week, two track meets, two flag football games (plus practice!). What am I going to do when Case starts participating in a sport?? YIKES Not to mention trying to get in my training. It's SO HARD sometimes. I'm like Nemo at this point... just keep swimming, just keep swimming. I can't wait until Cody is home more... this has just been nuts. I should paint my car yellow and call it a taxi!