Tuesday, April 21, 2009

MS 150 two days later!

I had a GREAT time on the ride this past weekend. Day one was rained out but Tommy and I went for a 25 mile ride (in a tornado watch) oops!! But it was fun. The rain wasn't that bad and I learned alot about shifting. We headed to Coach Tipton's house Sat afternoon and stayed the night there. Cody took us to La Grange early Sat morning and off we went.

The hills were brutal! for me anyway, Tommy gave me the much needed... all too impressive push up the last 1/4 of a couple of them. He has some awesome cycling skills.

The weather was beautiful but the wind was nasty! I really enjoyed getting closer with my brother throughout the training and during the ride. It was great. All in all I think we went about 70 miles?? Not sure on the exact number.

Tommy took the picture while we were riding and a short video that I will post if I can. Can't wait until the next one!

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