Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sight word mania

It's sight word mania at the McGuire household. I sent Stoney off to Wyoming with a jacket, cap, jeans and his sight words. I threatened my dad with bodily harm if he didn't work with him while they were away. I just want him to have a great experience in first grade and really be where he needs to be as far as his reading goes.
JoLee is picking things up as we work with Stoney, she's so funny, she is already learning how to sounds things out. She will do so well in her 4 yr old class next year.
Caser's favorite letter it C. I guess because while I'm changing him I will spell out his name that hangs in his room and he really picked up on the C. I don't know, but right now every letter he sees is a C. He is talking so much it's crazy. I love to hear their little voices. Right now he walks around every morning asking everyone "Is bubba coming? Is bubba coming?" He really misses Stoney. It's been good for him and JoLee to have some time together. They are pretty close. We are heading to Crane this weekend, Cody has a football camp in Plains and JoLee, Case and I are going to spend some Geemaw and Papaw time. I am going to see what I can do about getting a nap!! The countdown to 2009 Tomball Cougar Football has begun, Cody's starts meeting in a little over a week. We have our Cougar Wives Luncheon next week. Can't wait!


dottie said...

I love your blog! I didn't know I could comment until now, so, come on post some more stuff that I can comment about!

dottie said...

Okay, already...time for more posts! AND you must email me your new address! I might be sending you some shoes...or something!