Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year's Resolution... Or Not.

Okay, so every new years I make a resolution and every year around February I throw my hands up and say forget it. So this year I am trying something different. I ran across a blog http://christinekane.com/blog/resolution-revolution-a-better-way-to-start-your-year/ about not setting resolutions, instead picking a word for the year. Read the blog, she explains it better than I can. I immediately stressed out, how in the world do I pick one word for an entire year, but after reading her example and the stories of others who have tried this, (and with a little help from a the writer, she included a list of words) I have chosen my word, or words I guess.... Acceptance and Forgiveness. I am supposed to carry these two words with me throughout the year and try to remember them in situations where I would like to change my reactions. There are deeply personal matters that I am going to try and work through this year using these two words but also everyday matters that always seen to junk up my weeks. Instead of getting frustrated that my house is constantly in chaos and that there are toys ALL OVER my living room, I want to remember my word and just accept the fact that there are going to be toys strewn around the house because there are 3 small children living there and one of these days they will be moved out and on their own and I will wonder how the house stayed so tidy, and I'll actually miss those toys.
Forgiveness is a tough one for me. Not because I hold a grudge against others, I can dish out forgiveness, it's forgiving myself that I need to work on. Mostly motherhood issues, like today, I got everyone up, in showers, dressed. I got breakfast down everybody, made lunches, found shoes, overlooked the feeding of the cat and the dog. I found a lost notebook, and misplaced brush and managed to get myself showered and presentable in the process. We were out the door, everyone jackets in hand. I got Stoney to school on time and JoLee and Case to the church. Upon arrival to the nursery I changed Case and realized that his socks and shoes were on the counter at home where I had set them down to find the notebook. *sigh*. So close and yet so far from a perfect morning. Sabra the nursery angel took pity on my poor third born child and found him some socks so his feet wouldn't freeze (I did have him wrapped in a blanket outside) and I will go get his shoes at lunch. Forgiveness.... he will survive without shoes this morning, they said he takes them off as soon as I leave anyway. Tomorrow is a new day, and I can guarantee Case will have socks and shoes but it's anybody's guess as to what gets left on the counter.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

That sounds much more difficult than my resolutions.... good luck with that.