Thursday, August 21, 2008

summer colds

I have been coughing like crazy, popping cough drops like they actually taste good and trying not to get any sicker than I already am. Denial is my medicine of choice. I think after the race my body finally relaxed for a minute and the cold germs pounced. It's not like I now have more time on my hands so I can afford being sick. If I am sick who is going to watch the kids? Cody works from 7-9:30 every day, and 20 minutes without a watchful eye and our kids will have the whole house coming down around our ears. This has taken on a bit of a whiny toll so I better change the subject.
I am upping the anty if you will, with my working out. I have decided to hire a personal trainer for the next couple of months. My body just isn't where I want it to be so I am making the jump to paying someone for help. Hopefully we can get it done. Caleb has finals in Vegas in Nov and well frankly, I want to look hot. It doesn't get more honest than that people.

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