Friday, March 27, 2009

My little Softball player!

JoLee is playing softball this year and she is just so darn cute out there! They are the Red Raiders (of course)! She is number 7 and she thinks that's is the coolest number ever! She is really improving on her throwing and her batting. I think Cody felt bad when she started because it was SO obvious that he hadn't worked with her as much as he had the boys. He's been much better about that lately. Her game was canceled last night do to rain, she wasn't all that upset about it haha! She's made some new friends and is having a lot of fun.


Jeri Pair McGuire said...

Ohhhh! Her hair is getting long! She looks like the prettiest softball player in the world! I expect her to teach Jorja how to throw a fast ball!!

Rach said...

did you notice the under armour cleats?? We were at academy and I tried to get her to get the $20 nikes, come on she's 4, but nooooo she had to have the $38 under armour. She will grow out of them before next season. She said that's the kind daddy would buy. Same story with Stoney's football cleats. Lord help me when I have to buy three pair every season.