Monday, March 9, 2009

maybe later

So much to do: so little time.
I have always been a procrastinator. I remember being in elementary school and freaking out when I had to turn in my homework.... KNOWING that I hadn't done it. There I was at the back of the classroom, I can picture it, 4th Grade, Ms. Owen's room. I am digging furiously through my "cubby" looking for homework that I KNOW isn't there. Why in the heck did I do that? So weird. That's the stuff that I remember, not the good times I had in 4th grade. No, no, I remember bad hair, losing my ruby ring in the bathroom, buck teeth and crazy cubby digging. I desperately don't want to pass those habits onto my children. I have to break the cycle. Every time I say "just a minute" or "I'll get it in a second" to one of my kiddos I think I need an electric shock, thump on the ear, code word or something to remind me to get my butt in gear. Stoney gets homework on Mondays and they turn it in on Friday. There is an assignment everyday, last week he finished it on the way to school Friday morning. AAAAAAAgggghhhhh the cycle lives on. I have made it my mission to correct the errors of my youth through my children. Um.. I think I'll start on that tomorrow.

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