Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring Break

We had a great time. Stoney was adamant that we have a good Spring Break, he had several friends that were going to travel so he was dying to go somewhere too. We started off the week on Monday at the coolest park here in town, Burroughs Park, the kids just love it. There is this little pond in the middle with about a 1/4 mile loop around it. We took the kids bikes and Case's little red car and off we went. Stoney lapped the rest of us, that kid can fly on his bike. I got in a little exercise running and pushing Case's car and JoLee dilly dallied behind us, she was too busy people watching to go very fast. Cody spent this time cleaning out my suburban, hey it's how he chose to spend his afternoon, nobody forced him :)
The kids played on the playground there at the park and wore themselves out. It was a great day.
On Tuesday we went to the biggest event in town!!! Chik Fil A had Dora The Explorer and Diego at their store on Tuesday night and we went... along with every other family within a 10 mile radius. It was complete chaos. I thought Cody and I were going to go crazy but the kids had a ball!
Wednesday we got through our day as quickly as possible and headed to Sea World in San Antonio. We stayed at a tired little hotel about 5 miles from Sea World and it could have been the Ritz as far as the kids were concerned. Their number one request was "Can we jump on the beds?" Our reply, "we don't care as long as you don't wake us up!" We were exhausted and we hadn't even been to Sea World yet.
Thursday: Yea Sea World! I don't know who had more fun the kids or Cody. The first thing was the dolphin pool. For all of you who don't know, the dolphin is Cody's favorite animal. He is a flipper fan. He got to feed the dolphins and pet them, I think he enjoyed that more than anything else. I was busy trying to keep Case from jumping in, I didn't get to pet them. JoLee and Stoney thought that was cool but wanted to move on. We saw the sharks, and a scuba diver, Shamu, the penguins, we found out Stoney is tall enough to ride the big roller coasters but he is willing to wait until JoLee is tall enough too. I think maybe that is a stalling technique, but that's okay. The beluga whales were really neat and the divers there put on a great show. We got to spend some time with Cody's cousins Sonja & David and their little girl Peyton. It was a good, very long day. On the way home to Spring, we made it about 70 miles from the house and stopped and got a room in Sealy. We were so tired.
Friday was spent, hanging out at home, Birthday parties on Sat and church on Sunday. It was a fun week. Stoney said and I quote, "I didn't think we were going to have any fun this week, but we really did!" Spring Break 2009 success!

1 comment:

Jeri Pair McGuire said...

Sounds like yall did it up right this year! I'm glad you got to spend quality time with just your fam! It's important and healthy! I just wish we all lived closer. Give my niece and nephews a hug and tell them aunt Jeri wants to come see them soon!