Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's been a good 6 months :)

Holy Moly, it's February! So yes Stoney started Kindergarten and OBVIOUSLY things were off and running from there because I haven't written anything since. SOOOOO what has happened let me see. Okay, I turned 30... pick up your jaw, I KNOW it's crazy. Me 30. UGH how did this happen???? I had a GREAT party with some great friends. Cody planned the whole thing, the limo, the Nutcracker ballet, it was wonderful. My sweet Annie took me to see Anjelah Johnson and she is hysterical. Too much fun! I ran the Stephanie Johnson Triathlon, it was awesome. I did pretty good. Stoney did a triathlon. I cried I was so proud of him. He did it all on his own, I couldn't help him at transition or anything. He swam, biked and ran. I was so emotional. I'll have to post some pics of that.
Stoney is doing so well in school. He is reading! It's so awesome. To watch him sound the words out and see the light bulb go off when he figures it out. It's amazing. He is writing in his journals at school, it's so funny the things he comes up with.
JoLee Kay is my sweet girl as always, she doing great in school also. Her vocabulary is through the roof. That girl comes up with the funniest stuff and in different accents. She is a little social butterfly.
And CASER..... well what can I say, my baby is not a baby any more. He will be 2 in May and I just cannot believe it. He is CRAZY, and it's wonderful. I wouldn't trade any of it for anything in the world.
Cody is doing great, he is on the coaching carousel, looking for the next big break. I wonder where we will be in 6 months. Oooooo the thrill of the unknown.
There's 6 months in a nutshell.

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