Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bluebonnet Express

I did a 48 mile bike ride on Sunday, it was so much fun! I wish I had done the 62. Not that I wasn't tired after the ride but I had more to give. The hills were pretty good, not killer but nearly! The weather was awesome, 40 degrees when we started, but it warmed up quickly. Not really much wind. It was just a good day. I need to start swimming if I am going to be ready for the Trigirl Sprint triathlon in August. My personal goal is to do at least do one a year, I would really like to do 2. Maybe the Stephanie Johnson triathlon in Sept.
I am so excited about the MS 150! It's going to be a huge challenge but Tommy and I are going to have a blast. I will admit that at one point on the ride on Sunday I thought this is so crazy, to be out on a bike in the middle of nowhere just for fun! I didn't know anyone so I am really looking forward to having someone there that I can talk to at the rest stops or even while we ride. It gets kind of boring by yourself after a while. I wish Cody had a bike and we could ride together. I know it is something that he would get into, it's easy on the knees and he would love the challenge. I don't think he would go for the spandex shorts though. haha!
3 more weeks and counting! MS 150 April 18th & 19th.


Jeri Pair McGuire said...

Is that like 150 miles? If so, then yea your crazy!!!

Peri Kaye said...

i'm so proud of you. you are like the queen of exercise now.

Jeri Pair McGuire said...

My mom got Jorja one of those cars for Christmas too! My friend that owns a bike shop here in town is getting me a really great deal on a BOB and that is a jogging stroller. It's like the top of the line stroller! I am so pumped. Now I can run with Jorja anytime, not just when she is at school or when Clay is home, which is never!!!